Monday, January 28, 2008

12/03/2007: first chemo

I was really anxious after the whole 'code blue' incident when we tried chemo previously. This time with same meds, I decided that I needed to do this alone armed with a stuffed Grover and specific cds for my personal cd player. (That's right: old school style.) My friends would not let me drive so I was dropped off early. My oncologist switched my pre-meds (steroids, Benadryl, etc...) to i.v. form. The nurses had to watch me closely to make certain I did not collapse again. That meant that my blood pressure was taken every ten minutes or so. I started out listening to Hunter Revenge and Blaqk Audio while the pre-meds slowly entered my system. I changed to IHAV by AFI as the Taxol (chemo) was started. Then, I fell asleep and ended up sleeping through the whole procedure. I had visions of the AFI men performing live and kicking, jumping, stomping out the cancer cells. It worked. AFI (and all of their side projects) relaxes me more than any medication. I was so grateful the meds got in because I was terrified of what would happen if my body would not take them.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

11/27/2007 no chemo

Ended up getting a really, really bad sinus/flu illness on the plane back to San Diego. Saw my oncologist on 11/26 who canceled my chemo that was scheduled for 11/27. Rescheduled it for 12/03/07. Went to bed for a week.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

11/24/2007: twenty year high school reunion

It was a rough night for me. I was tired and had limited energy, but was excited to see so many people. I spent most of the night at my table where people brought me food and drinks and well wishes for my health. I felt so spoiled. I got to see a lot of people I will probably never see again.

I also knew that in three days, I would be attempting the same chemotherapy that knocked me on my ass.

11/24/07: high school reunion weekend

I flew back to Philly for my twenty year high school reunion. I went to high school in the suburbs of Bucks County outside of Philadelphia, but our reunion was being held in the city. My good friend, Matt, and his partner, Colin, were gracious enough to host me at their house. They were very thoughtful especially since I still had issues with stamina due to my illness. The morning of the reunion, Matt's family visited. They were my neighbors for many years and I had not seen them in over a decade. We reminisced. It was great!!

11/09: code blue, pt. II

Obviously, I survived or I would not be typing here. I ended up having to stay overnight in the hospital. They did an echocardiogram which showed that my heart is not (physically) defective. The whole ordeal was stressful especially the thought of what would happen with my cancer if I could not take treatments.