Monday, March 20, 2006


The hope I dreamed of was a dream,
Was but a dream; and now I wake
Exceeding comfortless, and worn, and old,
For a dream's sake.

Lie still, lie still, my breaking heart;
My silent heart, lie still and break;
Life, and the world, and mine own self, are changed
For a dream's sake.

Christina Rossetti

She has been one of my favorite poets since high school. I've always loved this poem. There are more that I enjoy, but this one has always remained with me, the words tattooed on my heart.

When I looked up this poem, I found my prom picture holding the page. My date ended up being Craig, a friend and a junior. He had a girlfriend (and I had a huge crush on him), but she allowed him to go with me as I was the safest girl to send a boyfriend with as I never talked and was dreadfully shy. (Craig saved me when my first date bailed a week or two before prom.) I was disappointed when he didn't put up his mohawk and didn't ask questions about the bullet holes and blood stains on his tux. I was so nervous, I spent the night cursing in such a manner that a sailor would have blushed. I was so completely obnoxious. Years later, Craig told me it was one of the best times he had ever had.


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