Tuesday, August 01, 2006

underwear not-so trauma

In college, I had three (straight) friends who played water polo and lived on the same wing together of the coed dorm I inhabited. Two of them shared a room and the third lived across the hall. All three were hot in their own way. Jeff was the man of my dreams. He was polite and sweet and knew how to dress. I never knew a man could be like that. I always thought he was more than I deserved. (I was a fool.) Matt was younger and looked like a model. I was never attracted to him as I always thought of him as young even though he was only two years younger. Greg was my secret lust. He was sweet but always played the bad boy as well as the bass guitar. Greg and I argued about everything but always hugged and made up. That was the best part. He ended up as my late night caller. (I introduced Greg and Jeff. Matt ended up in the right place at the right time.)

Typically, I worked as a security guard on Friday or Saturday night. After midnight, I checked the i.d.'s of the drunks and horny people who needed to get into Gaige Hall. Earlier that night, I would visit with my boys in Greg/Jeff's room while they drank Coors and got ready for the night. Initially, everyone was dressed during this time. However, one time I was in huge amounts of pain and the superdose of Motrin was not helping. I ended up crying or on the verge of tears. Jeff told me to stay while he took a shower. When he returned, he was only in boxers. They were blue with yellow polka dots. I almost died. He was my fantasy man. I was speechless, but managed a smile. He started dancing for me in the most ridiculous manner. I could not help but laugh. This started the trend.

Eventually, all three of them would hang out in their undies. Sometimes, I was forced to see the tighty-whiteys. I think they attempted to convince me that it was fine for me to strip down to my undies, but that never happened. That Christmas, I bought Jeff a pair of Victoria Secret's silk paisley boxers, Greg a pair of VS patterned boxers, and Matt a pair of VS cotton boxers with fleur-de-lis on them. They were going to buy me a bra and panty set, but did not have the balls to go through with it. I ended up getting a Ramones tape. Too bad, I teased them that I would have worn the gift they originally planned. I guess we will never know.


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