Saturday, June 10, 2006


I showed mine to a coworker last week. It is not what you think. She is also a breast cancer survivor. However, she had both of her breasts removed and is getting ready to complete the reconstructive process. The final stage is the tattooing of areolas on her new breasts. She gets to choose what color she wants. Personally, I told her to get stars, suns, or flowers in place of regular areolas, but our health insurance will not cover that.

I was fortunate in that my surgery was less extensive than hers, but my cancer treatments were much worse. My doctor talked about prophylactic removal of my breasts, but I was not ready for that. I think that I would not get reconstructive surgery if I had to get mine removed. Instead, I would opt for a large tattoo piece to cover the area in the shape of a halter. I saw a woman who had done something similar and really liked it.

I am just grateful that I am still in remission and do not have to worry about that currently.


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